úterý 21. února 2012

Hey everyone, another entry time!

Today I will talk about the time period of the period, which is important for understanding of the book's plot. I have talked about it in a lot of entries now, but this one will be specifically dedicated to this.

So, the play is set in the 19th century. A time where women as wifes were not respected as they should have been and were more like dolls (from here is the book's name) of their husband to play. They were having hard times finding jobs and a woman living alone, without any husband, had a bad times making money for living, the worse when she had children. 19th century was really harsh for women, even if they did no realized it, but they were only controlled by men and had no real life, only life full of caring for children and their husbands. Anything husband wanted they must have done, there was no questioning, otherwise they could have been kicked out of the house and live on their own, which was not good as I have mentioned above.

Some men, in nowadays society might feel the same way about women just as they did in 19th century, that women are to care for household and listen to their husband and nothing more. On the other hand, some women nowadays like to be cared this way, cause for them it might seems comfortable, but they will not have the chance to live the real "free" life. So I would say the play is pretty much relevant even in today's society and not only in 19th century.

It is up to everyone to choose the way he/she wants to live. There is no way to change a human mind and behaviour. Some people are just the way they are and nothing will change them, maybe if they experience some life changing situation when they will realise what life is really all about or if they suddenly start to think about the way the have lived so far (just as Nora).

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." William Wallace

1 komentář:

  1. Do you think that this mindset is changing, or has changed? Are there still places in the world that think like this? Do you think that literature such as this can help us better understand the way things were/are in order to make them better?
