neděle 19. února 2012

Hey everyone,
this little blog of my will be fully deducated to a book called A Doll's House written by a norwegian writer and painter Henrik Ibsen. This book was written in 1879 and I am going to try to analyze this book as much as I possibly can. 

So let me start with a little background about the author and this book. Henrik Ibsen's first plays were romantic and historic stories, but after some time, Ibsen started to hate the way society behaves and started to write books about it and A Doll´s House is one of the first he wrote on this theme. This book critize the society's perception of marriage, exactly the role of a woman in this relationship, in 19th century and it was based on a real life experience of Ibsen's friend. This play might seem to some that is the propagation of woman right, but in his own words the books is about:
"the need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she really is and to strive to become that person."  Henrik Ibsen

2 komentáře:

  1. Hi Honza, it's a fine introduction to your play. Can you tell me where you got some of your information from (citations)? Also, use your spell-checker :) I am looking forward to reading more.

    1. Thanks for the nice comment. And about the citation, I will erase it and change it somehow, since I have read the source I have it from wrong ... (it was wikipedia =/'s_House)
